Student Attendance Policy

Student Attendance Policy

The Board of Education has established the following rules and regulations regarding attendance, absences and excuses for students. These rules and regulations are intended to comply with Illinois School Code and District Policy. Illinois Law requires that whoever has custody or control of any child between six (by September 1st) and seventeen years of age shall assure that the child attends school in the district in which he or she resides, during the entire time school is in session (unless the child has already graduated from high school). Illinois law also requires that whoever has custody or control of a child who is enrolled in the school, regardless of the child’s age, shall assure that the child attends school during the entire time school is in session.

The Attendance Matters website states that encouraging regular school attendance is one of the most powerful ways you can prepare your child for success—both in school and in life. When you make school attendance a priority, you help your child get better grades, develop healthy life habits, avoid dangerous behavior and have a better chance of graduating from high school.

When students are here 95% or more of the school year, their grades, reading levels, and math skills will improve—even among those students who are struggling in school. Students who attend school regularly also feel more connected to their community, develop important social skills and friendships, and are significantly more likely to graduate from high school, setting them up for a strong future.

But when kids are absent for an average of just two days of school per month—even when the absences are excused– it can have a negative impact. These absences can affect kids as early as Kindergarten.

For example, young elementary school students who miss an average of just two school days per month often have difficulty keeping up with their peers academically and tend to fall behind in reading. But when students are able to read on grade level by the end of third grade, which is when kids transition from learning to read to reading to learn, they are three to four times more likely to graduate high school and attend college, post-graduate, or professional development classes than their peers who struggle with reading.

As a parent, you can prepare your child for a lifetime of success by making regular school attendance a priority. By figuring out the reasons for your child’s absences—whether they’re physical or emotional—and taking advantage of support services—such as free tutoring, student mentoring and after school activities—you can help set your child on the path to success.
In case of any absence,
it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the school. If the school is not notified in advance or on the day of absence, a note from the parent/guardian will be required on the first day of the student's return to school. If a note or call is not received within 48 hours of the absence, then the absence will be marked unexcused and will remain as unexcused. The school may require documentation explaining the reason for the student’s absence. All assignments missed due to absences are expected to be made up.

Excusable absences include:

a. Illness of the student (a physician’s statement will be requested for 3 consecutive absences or overall absences in excess of seven for the year)
b. Days of religious observance (a written note from the parent must be submitted at least 5 days in advance of the absence)
c. Death in the family
d. Doctor and dental appointments (notes will be required for them to be marked as excused--parents are encouraged to make those appointments outside of school hours if possible) e. Court appearances (a note from the court is required upon return)
f. A student will be excused for up to 5 days in cases where the student’s parent/guardian is an active duty member of the uniformed services and has been called to duty for, is on leave from, or has immediately returned from deployment to a combat zone or combat-support postings. The Board of Education, in its discretion, may excuse a student for additional days relative to such leave or deployment. A student and the student’s parent/guardian are responsible for obtaining assignments from the student’s teachers prior to any excused absences and for ensuring that such assignments are completed by the student prior to his or her return to school.
g. Any absence from class as a result of a school-sanctioned activity (i.e., field trip) will be considered an excused absence for purposes of this regulation.
Other absences to be considered at discretion of administration on an individual basis.
If a student’s absence is excused or if a student is suspended from school, he/she will be permitted to make up all missed work, including homework and tests, for equivalent academic credit. Students who are unexcused from school may not be allowed to make up missed work.
In the case of
pre-planned absences, the principal has the authority to grant excused absences for the following types of pre-planned requests. Please notify the school prior to scheduling a pre-planned absence.

  1. College visit (documentation required)

  2. Career education visit (documentation required)

  3. Family trips/Vacation (approval form must be submitted two weeks in advance)

  4. Participation in regional and/or national contests or special awards not endorsed by the IESA or IHSA

All work from a pre-planned absence must be requested in advance and must be completed the day of the return to school. The administration has the authority to deny a student’s request for a pre-planned absence. The student’s attendance pattern, academic performance, and/or behavior history as documented by referrals to the principal’s office will provide the basis for the decision. No student will be eligible for an excused absence if the request for a pre-planned absence covers the final week of the semester.
All other absences not listed above, or pre-approved by the building administrator, will be considered unexcused.
Attendance patterns for all students will be monitored. The principal and/or staff will take appropriate action to investigate absences that are not excusable. The following procedures will be implemented once a student is absent.

Beginning with the first student absence:

  • If the parent/guardian does not contact the school to report the absence, the school will make contact by phone or letter to inform the parent of the absence.

  • The parent/guardian will be made aware of the student’s attendance and school district policy/regulations.

Five (5) days of absences:

  • The school will send a letter of concern, which will include the attendance policy/regulations and information regarding the student’s absences.

  • The letter may include a request for a parent/student/counselor conference.

  • The student’s attendance patterns will be identified and discussed.

  • If a parent conference is required, a plan will be developed to improve the student’s attendance.

  • If absences continue, parents will be informed of possible referrals to outside agencies.

  • Referral to appropriate school-based team may be made.

Ten (10) days of absences per year:

  • The school will send a letter of concern, which will include the attendance policy/regulations and information regarding the student’s absences.

  • The letter will include a request for a parent/student/counselor/principal conference.

  • Excusable absences will be considered prior to the school notifying the Madison County Truancy Office.

  • Develop or revise plan to improve attendance

  • Referral to appropriate school-based team may be made.
    The school will maintain the following documentation and/or data:

  • Document the dates of letters, policies, and regulations that are sent to parent

  • Document phone calls and parental responses

  • Document conference dates and parental responses

  • Document attendance plans and any revisions

  • Maintain student attendance records

The district’s inadvertent failure to comply with any procedure set forth in this regulation, including but not limited to the notice provisions, will not protect the student from the consequences for excessive absence as provided in this policy.
Student attendance is critical to the learning process.
Truancy is therefore a serious issue and will be dealt with in a serious manner by the school and district.
Students who miss 5% or more (9 or more days) of the prior 180 regular school days without valid cause (unexcused absences) are considered chronic truants. Students who are chronic truants will be offered support services and resources aimed at correcting the truancy issue.
If chronic truancy persists after support services and other resources are made available, the school and district will take further action, including:

  • Referral to the truancy officer

  • Reporting to officials under the Juvenile Court Act

  • Referral to the State’s Attorney

  • Appropriate school discipline

A parent or guardian who knowingly and willfully permits a child to be truant is in violation of State law and may be convicted of a Class C misdemeanor, which carries a maximum penalty of thirty days in jail and/or a fine of up to $500.00.